Dear Danielle,

I do not want to detract from you and your story or those women who have had went through the loss of a child, but I also wanted to say thank you because your story is helping me to work through the emotions/grief/guilt that I had to deal with during my last delivery. My son was 5 weeks early and I developed preeclampsia and had to be induced. He ended up needing c-pap and was in the NICU. And going through the postpartum ward without a baby in the room with me, being alone by myself in that hospital room without my baby or my husband, having to go home without him, feeling guilty about whether I should be with him at the hospital or be at home with my other children-- it was so traumatic for me. I still feel guilty over my decisions and whether I made the right ones at the time. And I still have this anger and grief because I had no support -- everyone just told me I needed to be thankful because he was alive and "heathy" and I needed to just take care of my other kids. But he wasn't healthy! He was in the NICU. It was just a really hard time and I really appreciate listening to you and the therapist discuss how to heal from that.

Again, I'm sorry for Aila. It makes me smile to think how close in age our children are (Asher and Aila are the same ages as my Benedict and Gus and then I think Easton and Kezia were born in my "off years" -- all mine are about 2 years apart).

Through my tears, I'm glad that you found healing and I pray that instead of burying my guilt and grief, I learn to heal, too.

Thank you,

Laura Robbins

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Jun 13Liked by Danielle Walker

This is a beautiful interview & very honest conversation. I'm confident it will help so many. 🩵

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Danielle, Listening to this conversation brought so much clarity to some of what my parents went through when my older brother, Jeff, born 19 months before me (he was Jan ‘70, I am Oct. ‘71), only lived 3 days. He’s never spoken of and I really adore the traditions your family has created. I quietly say to friends I’m the youngest of 3, and in a blended family of 6; but this gives me so much hope for how to carve more space for that brother I’ll meet someday. It also highlights the wisdom of just showing up and holding space when grief feels so large. I’m sharing the link for Substack with some friends who may really feel seen and heard with this. So grateful for you.

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Powerful! Thanks for the share.

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